The Last Dragon: Daily Progress

Today after fine-tuning the trade market buy and sell function, I added the consequences for making trades which is generally an impact on the market rate that affects trade good prices.  With other minor tweaks to the trading system, for now at least, was done and I was ready to move on.  Move on I did.

I realized that as I develop, I want to get to a point where The Last Dragon starts to feel more like a game and less like a development POC.  I decided to take a short break from building the interaction and start adding some codes to make these different city attributes you manipulate with your assign order and trading/resources to do something in the game.  I decided that the first order of business for growing your city-state and improving it over time was going to be population growth.

The population growth system was relatively easy to code.  It works off the Happiness attribute and essentially as long as you are above a certain level you gain a slow, but natural population growth in your city.  Fall to far below a basic quota and you start losing population and risking rebellion.  I implemented this basic system to all the cities and what I basically have is the first of many way these various city attributes "do stuff".

I also did some minor enhancements like turning the happiness attribute red or green when its bad or good. Simple visual queues that help you to identify the problem areas of your city quickly and easily.

Finally, I implemented seasons into the game.  This is a very basic transition but makes it easier to note the difference between summer, spring, fall and winter.  My daughter did the color palette alteration to the map and I think it looks pretty good.

That's it for today, good productive day!

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